In deciding on choice of feed for fish it is important to purchase a 28-45 percent crude protein, 100 percent nutritionally-complete pelleted feed. At water temperatures above 65o F it should be presented in the form of a floating pellet, and the feeding response should be observed. Between 60 and 65º F it is preferable to mix a slow-sinking feed with a floating feed, and below 60º F a sinking feed is needed. The feed should be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire pond surface, and with the prevailing wind. No more feed should be purchased than can be used during a 60 to 90 day period beyond the manufacturing date. Feeding to Satiation The practice of satiation feeding always provides the correct amount of feed (percent BW) for water temperatures above 60º F. When feeding to satiation the fish should be offered only what they will eat in 20 to 25 minutes once a day. However, no more than 100 lb/ac with aeration and no more than 30 lb/ac without aeration should be offered. This applies equally to body weight feeding (see below). Body Weight Feeding (percent BW) This practice is most commonly used when the farmer has an accurate estimate of total fish weight in the pond. The daily feed is provided as a percent of total weight. For feed calculations, the percent is in decimal form (e.g. 3 percent = 3/100 = 0.03). Water temperatures are again influential. In general, for spring and autumn feeding (cool weather) water temperatures in large local reservoirs are good indicators of pond water temperatures. Pond temperatures are colder
in winter and warmer in summer than those in local reservoirs. At 50-60º F, feed 0.5-1.0 percent BW (or 5-10 lb feed/1000 lb fish, daily) using sinking feed;
At 60-70º F, feed 2.0 percent BW (or 20 lb feed/1000 lb fish, daily);
At 70-86º F, feed 3.0 percent BW (or 30 lb feed/1000 lb fish, daily);
At 90-95º F, feed 0.5-1.0 percent BW daily;
Above 95º F, feed no more than 0.5 percent BW every three days.
Note also that the percent BW fed changes with fish size. Timing of Feeding Dissolved oxygen levels must be higher than 3.0 ppm (mg/1), preferably 5.0 ppm. For fish under intensive production (>2000 lb/ac) the feed should be offered between 10:00 am and
1:00 pm. Under extensive production.
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- Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.