3 Artificial fertilization and subsequent rearing In artificial fertilization, the
culturist handles the brood fish and
is, therefore, in a position to
eliminate unsuitable fish and to
choose the right type of fish for
eventual stock improvement. Further, this technique also enables
the culturist to produce useful
hybrids, combining the desirable
qualities of different strains of fish
of the same species and/or of
different species. The ripe sexual products required
for artificial fertilization can be
obtained by either of the following
a. the fish are captured in their
spawning ground during the act of
natural spawning, and the sexual
products (eggs and sperms)
stripped off this
method is applicable to the coregonids, pike, and common
carp, or
b. the selected brood fish are first
administered human gonadotropin
or fish pituitary extract, and when
they are in oozing condition they
are stripped to procure the ripe
sexual products this method is commonly adopted for
the Chinese carp in India. Fertilized eggs resulting from
artificial fertilization are hatched
and reared up to the fingerling
stage under controlled conditions,
thus ensuring a high rate of
survival and healthy growth.
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- Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.