Procurement of fertilized eggs and their rearing It is possible to procure fertilized
eggs completely or almost free of
the eggs of other fishes. Such eggs
are incubated under controlled
conditions and the resultant larvae
can be reared to fingerling stage according to the requirements of
the species concerned. The goal is
to achieve the best possible
survival rate, good growth, and
health. The fertilized eggs can be
procured in several different ways. Procurement of fertilized eggs without hormone treatment. Fertilized eggs can be procured
without resorting to hormone
treatment by the following
a. collecting the eggs of “nest
spawners” by placing artificial
nests in their natural spawning
places, e.g., pike-perch;
b. imitating the natural spawning
conditions in smaller artificial
ponds by providing nests or grass
mats to serve as egg collectors;
stocked brood fish then spawn
(e.g., European catfish, pike-perch, bream, common carp, giant
gourami, etc.)
; c. providing artificial holes on the
sides of the ditches where the fish
spawn (e.g., magur);
d. providing “retreat-places” or
“spawning receptacles” such as
drums or cans (e.g., channel
catfish), and
e. collecting egg clump or “egg-
ribbons” or eggs in foam nests
from the natural spawning places
during the spawning season (e.g.,
European perch, guabina, curito,
etc.). Procurement of fertilized eggs by induced breeding through hormone treatment. This also can be achieved by either of the
following techniques:
a. inducing spawning in small tanks
by administering human
gonadotropin hormone, as shown
in (e.g., channel catfish,
Chinese carps, grey mullets, etc.);
b. inducing spawning in small tanks
or in hapas (rectangular boxes made of close-meshed netting
cloth) fixed in ponds by
administering fish pituitary
hormones (e.g., Indian major
carps). The above mentioned techniques
are simple and inexpensive,
without requiring any
sophisticated installations or tools
and without the difficulties and
risks involved in artificial fertilization. As a result, these
techniques are widely used in
artificial propagation.
The care for fertilized fish egg
Posted by KINGSWAY AGRO SERVICES on 7:40 pm in Fish breeding | Comments : 0

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