Marketing Although there is an optimistic
outlook for the growth of channel
catfish markets, new or
prospective producers should not
assume there will be a willing
buyer at harvest time. While most current catfish production is sold to
large processing facilities, a new
producer may be too far from a
processor to market fish this way.
Before investment, construction or
production, new producers should research and understand their
marketing options. New processing plants locating in
areas with little existing production
and relying on promises of new
production may fail within the first
few years. Possible reasons for
failure include: over capitalization and limited cash
flow during the first few years inconsistent supply of fish harvesting and logistical problems
in transporting fish to the
processing plant established producers in the area
may already have specialty
markets for live fish which offer a
better price than the processor can
afford to pay generally, it takes 18 months in
construction and production time
for a farmer to produce his first
crop of fish the availability of financing capital
or high interest rates may limit the
development of new production
acreage inability to compete with existing
processors for market share Even in areas with established
production and processing, farmers
should continually investigate new
markets. Although limited in size
and availability, these markets can
be more profitable than processing markets. Alternative markets
include live-haulers, on-farm sales,
fee fishing and local sales. Live-haulers buy live fish from
producers for resale. Fish may be
resold for stocking in recreational
ponds or fee-fishing ponds or to a
processor. In some instances
producers may contract with a live-hauler to transport fish to a
buyer. On-farm sales are usually more
successful in or around
metropolitan areas. Fee-fishing
ponds, also called catch-out ponds,
provide an opportunity for the
public to fish in private ponds. Usually the customer is charged a
set amount per pound of fish
caught. Another option is for the
producer to process fish on the
farm and sell small amounts to
customers. State, county and local health departments and other
state agencies should be contacted
concerning licenses and regulations
for on-farm processing. Local sales involve on-farm
processing and delivery to
restaurants and supermarkets. For
most producers this is the most
attractive yet most difficult
marketing alternative. These markets usually require a weekly
supply of fresh fish of consistent
quality, quantity and size. It is very
difficult for individual producers to
supply this demand year-round.
Most of these retail businesses buy from established distributors. Even
if they do buy local fish, one
missed delivery or other problem
can cause them to change suppliers
immediately .
Posted by KINGSWAY AGRO SERVICES on 6:05 am in fish marketing in Nigeria | Comments : 0

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