It is important to know the feeding habits of catfish in order to have more successful cat fishing trip.Catfish will feed on different kinds of foods and baits, and not every of kind catfish will take the same bait. Of course, there are some similarities
to consider, including how catfish
find food and what types they are
more likely to find. The feeding habits of catfish is
similar in terms of types of catfish
in that they all look for food by
smelling. Sensory cells in the
whiskers of catfish help them to
find food. In fact, foods with stronger scents will be more likely
to be found by catfish because it
will be easier for them to detect
these foods. Also, catfish tend to be more active in looking for food at night. This is a better time for catfish. While this is a common habit in terms of the feeding habits of catfish,different kinds of catfish will look for different kinds of foods.The feeding habits of catfish are different based on what type of catfish it is. Blue Catfish: Primarily feeds on other fish but will eat a wide variety of items. They find food more by use of their keen sense of smell. Use anything from live shiners to cut bait and stink baits to catch these big blue catfish. The blue catfish will look for food at the bottom of the water bed most of the time. When looking for fish they'll move upward though. Since the blue catfish has a more advanced body type, they can take both fish and aquatic insects regardless of size. Channel Catfish: They are omnivorous and will eat a wide
variety of items including insect
larvae, crayfish, mollusks,
crustaceans, fish (dead or alive),
and even some types of fruits and
berries. The channel catfish, for instance, will normally look for
food at the bottom of the water hence they are bottom feeders.
In producing artificial feed for catfish, fish meal helps in giving fish like smell which makes them to come after it because of there carnivorous nature of catfish. FOR CONSULTANCY,FISH FEED FORMULATION,POND CONSTRUCTION,PIGGERY AND FISH FARMING SETUP AND OTHER AGRO SERVICES CALL MR KINGSLEY ON 08032861326.
Posted by KINGSWAY AGRO SERVICES on 4:38 pm in AQUACULTURE Fish breeding Fish business in Nigeria Our services | Comments : 0

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