1. GENERAL BACKGROUND 1.0 Introduction
1.1 Features of a fish pond
1.2 Different kinds of pond According to the water source
According to the means of drainage
According to the construction materials
According to the construction method
According to the use of the pond 1.3 Three basic pond types Sunken pond
Barrage pond
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Diversion pond 1.4 Advantages and disadvantages of these types of pond
1.5 The physical characteristics of fish ponds Size of fish ponds
Shape of fish ponds
When square ponds are preferable
When rectangular ponds are preferable
Selecting a rectangular shape
Selecting ponds shaped to the topography
Water depth in fish ponds 1.6 How to select the pond to suit local topography
1.7 Laying out fish ponds Ponds on a slope
Layout of ponds
Integrated farming
Integrated fish farming
Using pumps 1.8 How to plan your fish farm Considering its size and complexity
Laying out ponds according to their use
Laying out the access roads on your farm
Laying out the canald on your farm
Level differences on your fish farm
If you are building a barrage pond
If you are building a diversion pond
A pump might be necessary
Living on your fish farm 2. SITE SELECTION AND GENERAL PLANNING 2.0 The importance of a good site
2.1 Preliminary decisions
2.2 Major considerations Water supply and site selection
Soil quality and site selection
Local topography and site selection 2.3 Other important characteristics of the site
2.4 How to locate and study potential sites quickly
2.5 How to evaluate a potential site
2.6 How to begin planning your fish farm construction Detailed topographical survey of the site
Detailed soil survey of the site
Layout of the fish farm 3. BASIC MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND PUMPS 3.0 Introduction Selecting materials
Weight per unit volume of materials 3.1 Bamboo and wood Special characteristics of bamboo
Producing good bamboo pipes
Removing the partition walls of bamboo
Using bamboo as a construction material
Diverse characteristics of wood
Using and treating wood 3.2 Clay bricks, cement or concrete blocks and stones Clay bricks
Cement or concrete blocks
Stone 3.3 Cement mortars Selecting the sand
Checking the cleanliness of the sand
Washing the sand
Selecting the cement to use
Selecting the water to use
Selecting the mortar to prepare Measuring the mortar components
Preparing a good mortar
Using a cement mortar 3.4 Cement concrete Finding good sources of materials
Selecting the kind of gravel and broken materials to use
Selecting the concrete to prepare
Preparing concrete by the free- pore volume method
Measuring the concrete components
Storing concrete components
Preparing good concrete by hand
Preparing good concrete mechanically
Correcting the consistency of concrete
Testing the quality of fresh concrete
Preparing forms for placing concrete
Placing concrete
Curing concrete
Making concrete blocks 3.5 Concrete reinforcement Selecting reinforcement
Using reinforcement
Preparing the steel bar reinforcement
Making reinforced concrete slabs
Making reinforced concrete 3.6 Other construction materials
3.7 Gabions Introduction
Advantages of gabions
Designing gabion structures
Building a gabion structure 3.8 Water pipes and their discharge capacity Most common types of pipes
Selecting concrete pipes
Selecting ceramic pipes
Selecting galvanized pipes and plastic pipes
Determining the pipe sizes required
Estimating pipe capacity
Designing longer pipelines
The effects of pipe fittings 3.9 Selecting a water pump 4. EARTHMOVING METHODS 4.0 Introduction
4.1 How to move earth by hand or using simple containers
4.2 How to move earth with wheelbarrows Making your own wheelbarrow
The Chinese wheelbarrow
Other wheelbarrows
Using a wheelbarrow 4.3 Draught animal power
4.4 How to move earth with carts
4.5 How to move earth with an oil drum scraper Materials for an oil drum scraper
Building the oil drum scraper
Operating the oil drum scraper 4.6 How to move earth with a dam scoop
4.7 How to move earth with a boat, float or raft
4.8 Earthmoving machines 5. PREPARATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 5.0 Introduction
5.1 Ropes, cables, chains, pulley blocks and fittings Using the equipment
Selecting rope
Selecting cable
Maintaining cable quality
Selecting steel chain
Selecting fittings to use with traction lines 5.2 Clearing the site Where to clear
Proceeding with the clearing 5.3 The cutting of trees Preliminary work
Basic steps for cutting trees
Selecting equipment 5.4 The removal of tree stumps Digging out tree stumps by hand
Removing tree stumps with a hand winch
Using the monkey winch
Increasing pulling force
Using the winch with one pulley block
Using the winch with two pulley blocks
Removing stumps with a bulldozer 5.5 Uprooting whole trees Uprooting a whole tree using a winch
Uprooting a whole tree using a winch and pulley blocks
Uprooting a whole tree with machinery 5.6 Surface soil removal 6. FISH POND CONSTRUCTION 6.0 Introduction
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6.1 Characteristics of pond dikes Resisting water pressure
Ensuring impermeability
Choosing the right height
Determining dike thickness 6.2 Compacting earthen dikes Expansion, compaction and settlement of soils
Determining the potential for compaction
Compacting for best results
Compacting soil by hand
Compacting soil with machinery 6.3 Preparing the foundations of the dike Treating the surface of the foundations
Building a cut-off trench
Backfilling a stream channel 6.4 Calculating dike and excavation volumes Calculating the width of the dike base
Calculating the cross-section of a dike on horizontal ground
Calculating the cross-section of a dike on sloping ground
Calculating the cross-section of a dike on irregular ground
Calculating the volume of dikes on horizontal and regular ground
Calculating the volume of dikes on sloping or irregular ground
Calculating the volume of a dam for a barrage pond
Calculating volumes of excavated material 6.5 Constructing dug-out ponds Selecting soil for dug-out ponds
Building a dug-out pond 6.6 Constructing barrage ponds Obtaining the soil material for construction
Staking out the base of the dam and setting out the earthwork
Preparing for the construction of the dam
Building the first part of the dam
Finishing the barrage pond 6.7 Constructing paddy ponds Staking out the base of the dikes
Preparing for the construction of the dikes
Building the dikes of a paddy pond manually
Finishing the dikes
Building bottom slopes and drains for paddy ponds
Building the dikes of a paddy pond using machinery
Building a series of adjoining paddy ponds 6.8 Constructing cut-and-fill ponds Balancing cut-and-fill on horizontal ground
Balancing cut-and-fill on sloping ground
Estimating cut-and-fill volumes on irregular ground
Cut-and-fill volumes for groups of ponds
Staking out a cut-and-fill pond on horizontal ground
Staking out a cut-and-fill pond on regular sloping ground
Staking out a cut-and-fill pond on a very irregular slope
Building the dikes manually
Completing the cut-and-fill pond
Building the dikes using machinery 6.9 Protecting dikes against erosion by rain Protect new dikes as soon as they are built
Selecting the grass cover 6.10 Pond-bottom drains Designing the network of drains 6.11 First filling of the pond 7. MAIN WATER INTAKE STRUCTURES 7.0 Introduction Selecting the water intake structures
Main water intakes
Locating the main water intake along a stream 7.1 How to define the level of the water intake
7.2 The size of the water intake
7.3 Simple diversion structures Earthen barrage dam
Bamboo or wooden pole barrier
Wooden plank barrier 7.4 Submergible diversion structures Wooden pole barrier
Rock barrier
Gabion barrier 7.5 Adjustable diversion structures Two pillar barrage
Three pillar barrage 7.6 Adjustable main water intake structures Two major types of structure
Controlling water flow
Ensuring good water control
Estimating the flow rate through the intake
Protecting the intake from erosion 7.7 Screens and intake protection Using screens
Protecting the intake structures 8. WATER TRANSPORT STRUCTURES 8.0 Introduction
8.1 Types of open water canals
8.2 Design of canals Planning the shape of the canal
Selecting the side slope for a trapezoidal canal
Selecting the slope for the bottom of a canal
Determining the maximum velocity of water flow in canals
Calculating the geometry of the canal and its hydraulic radius.
The coefficient of roughness of a canal
The significance of slope or gradient
Predicting the water capacity of earthen canals
Predicting the water carrying capacity of lined canals
Using graphs to design a water canal
Using the Manning equation to calculate the carrying capacity of a water canal
Calculating and checking the average water velocity in the canal
Determining the characteristic dimensions of the optimum trapezoidal canal
Determining the slope of the canal bottom
Losing water from an earthen canal
Determining the freeboard for the canal
Making curves in canals
Some other points to remember 8.3 Water feeder canals Special points about feeder canals
Determining the size of earthen feeder canals
When to use lined feeder canals
Important facts about lined feeder canals 8.4 How to prepare for the construction of a canal Setting slope stakes on sloping ground
Building an earthen canal by hand
Building a clay-lined canal
Building a concrete-lined canal
Building a brick or block-lined canal
Using a cement or stone slab lining Using precast linings
Using flexible linings 8.5 Drainage canals
8.6 Diversion canals
8.7 Water control structures for canals Lateral overflow gates
Three-way division boxes
Two-way division boxes
Drop structures
End overflow gates 8.8 Simple aqueducts
8.9 Pipes and siphons Short pipelines
Siphons 9. POND INLET STRUCTURES 9.0 Introduction When do you need an inlet structure?
Different types of inlet structures
Designing inlets 9.1 Pipe inlets
9.2 Gutter inlets
9.3 Canal inlets
9.4 Aerating and mixing incoming water
9.5 Dike protection at a pond inlet 10. POND OUTLET STRUCTURES 10.0 Outlet structures
10.1 Important points when designing outlets Sizing outlet pipes
Placing and fixing outlet pipes
Additional overflow structures 10.2 Simple outlets for small ponds Using a cut in the dike
Using a siphon as a pond outlet 10.3 Simple pipe outlets Using a simple pipe and stopper
The flexible tube stand-pipe
The turn-down stand-pipe 10.4 The sluice gate Building a wooden sluice gate
Building a sluice gate with bricks or concrete blocks
Building a sluice gate with reinforced concrete
Operating the sluice gate 10.5 The monk outlet Locating the monk
How much water should a monk discharge
Materials to build a monk 10.6 Wooden monk outlets Choosing the wood
Building the wooden pipeline
Building the wooden monk tower 10.7 Small brick, concrete block and concrete monks Constructing monk pipelines
Laying the pipeline
Using a concrete culvert
Building the monk tower foundation
Preparing a piled foundation
Building the concrete monk tower 10.8 Reinforced concrete monks Building the pipeline foundation
Laying the pipeline
Building the monk tower foundation
Preparing the steel reinforcement
Building the reinforced concrete tower 10.9 Wooden forms for concrete monks Preparing a plywood form for small monks
Preparing a plank form for larger monks 10.10 Water control for sluice or monk Grooves and boards
Selecting the boards to use 11. FLOOD AND SILT CONTROL STRUCTURES 11.0 Introduction
11.1 How to discharge excess water from ponds
11.2 The pipe overflow Choosing the correct type of pipe overflow
Building a pipe overflow
Selecting the type of pipe to use 11.3 The mechanical spillway What is a mechanical spillway?
Designing a mechanical spillway
Building a mechanical spillway
Designing and building the spillway
channel 11.4 The emergency spillway What is an emergency spillway?
Selecting a freeboard for the dike
Determining the width of the emergency spillway
Designing the emergency spillway
Locating the emergency spillway
Protecting the earthen emergency spillway 11.5 Protection canals
11.6 Settling basins Designing the settling basin
Improving the design of the settling basin 11.7 Stilling basins Designing a stilling basin
Improving the design of the stilling basin 12. DETAILED PLANNING FOR FISH FARM CONSTRUCTION 12.0 Introduction
12.1 When to build the fish farm
12.2 Who will construct the fish farm?
12.3 Constructing the fish farm
12.4 Making detailed plans and drawings
12.5 Making specifications for construction contracts
12.6 Making a schedule of activities
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