The pH is the measure of the
hydrogen ion concentration in soil
or water. An ion is an electrically
charged atom. Water exists as a
balance between hydrogen ions (H
+) and hydroxyl ions (OH -) and has the formula H20. The pH scale ranges from 0-14 with 7 neutral.
When there are more hydrogen
ions (H+) present the pH will be
lower than 7 and the water acidic.
The water is basic (alkaline) when
there are more hydroxyl ions (OH-). Silver perch grow best in a pH
range of 6.5 to 9. Fig. 1 shows the
relationships of pH of pond waters
to their suitability for fish. Carbon dioxide has an acidic
reaction in water. The pH in ponds
rises during the day because
phytoplankton and other aquatic
plants remove carbon dioxide from
the water during the process of photosynthesis. The pH decreases
at night because of respiration and
production of carbon dioxide by all
organisms. Signs of Sub-optimal pH: increase of mucus on gill surfaces damage to eye lens and cornea abnormal swimming behaviour fin fray death poor phytoplankton and
zooplankton growth. Effects of Sub-Optimal pH: stress increased susceptibility to disease low production levels poor growth. Causes of Sub-Optimal pH: acidic water and soils acid sulphate soils poorly buffered water, i.e. low
alkalinity (<20 data-blogger-escaped-alkalinity="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-having="" data-blogger-escaped-high="" data-blogger-escaped-l="" data-blogger-escaped-mg="" data-blogger-escaped-waters="">
low hardness acid rain. Sub-optimal pH - What can I do? To decrease high pH: flush the pond reduce feeding rates to lower
nutrient input and plant growth ponds built in acid sulphate soils
should be refilled immediately to prevent
drying built no deeper than necessary grassed on the walls limed on the walls add gypsum (CaSO4) to increase
the calcium concentration add alum (AlSO4) for immediate
reduction of pH to avert imminent
fish mortality. To increase pH: lime the ponds increase phytoplankton abundance
by fertilization.
Posted by KINGSWAY AGRO SERVICES on 9:54 am in water quality | Comments : 0

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