There are 2 basic types of
ponds, embankment and
excavated ponds. Embankment
ponds are constructed by
damming a small stream and
can be economically constructed on stream sites
where the slope is steep enough
to limit the size of the dam.
Excavated ponds are
constructed by digging out an
area fed by springs and run off and can be used in a variety of
2. Typical Sites: Site selection is extremely
important when building your
own pond. You want to consider
the location (more than one),
shape of the land, water supply,
and the soil type before you build. Contact kingsway Agro Services before you beging
building. They will make quality
control checks and assist in
design, site selection, soil suitability, engineering survey
and provide the information for
the cost of the planning, design,
and construction of the pond.
Good Pond Site Contains:
1. Topography that allows for
economical construction. It
directly affects building costs
and pond management. Put the
pond where enough water can
be impounded with the least amount of earth fill. Sites that
are ideal and minimize areas of
shallow water are ones where
you can build a dam across a
narrow section of a valley and
where the slope of the valley floor lets you flood a large area.
Avoid large areas of shallow
water because they become too
shallow to use in late summer
and fall dry periods, and they
encourage undesirable aquatic plants.
2. Soil with enough clay content
to hold water. Clay and silty
clays are excellent soils for
holding water because they
stop water from steeping
through. Take soil samples at frequent intervals and have
them analyzed to determine
3. Water supply that is
adequate, but not excessive, for
the intended uses of the pond,
can be provided by springs,
wells, or surface runoff. For
ponds where surface runoff is the main source of water, the
contributing drainage area
should be large enough to
maintain a suitable water level
during dry periods. Drainage
areas should not be so large that expensive overflow
structures are needed and
water exchange occurs too
frequently. A pond should have
5 to 10 acres of drainage area
for each acre of impounded water. Topography, soil types
and plant cover influence the
amount of runoff to be expected
from a watershed. Call 08032861326 for help and consultancy.

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Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.