Fish farming is a farming sytem whereby the farmer cultures the type of fish specie he/she wants to culture in an enclosed and well built water body. Fish business is of three sections.
(1) The fingerling producing section
(2) The broodstock production section.
(3) The feed production section.
A complete fish farm must have this three sections for optimum production. If a fish farmer can not produce fingerligs (fish seed) then he/she can buy a good breed of it from a relyable source or contact Kingsway Agro Services for his/her fish seed. If a farmer wants to learn how to produce fingerlings, pond construction, feed formulation and any information about how to farm fish should call 08032861326 for quality services.
In fish farming is advisible for a beginner to call for a consultant to avoid wasting his/her money and is also advissible to have feasibility study before engaging in fish farming so that the beginner will have in hand what it requires and how much money needed to start and finish the whole farming process. Call 08032861326 for help and consutancy.

About Us
- Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.