Broodfish can be procured either from
existing fish farms or by capture from natural waters. It is necessary for the
fish breeder to know the sources of the broodfish to be used for seed
production. Care is always taken that the fish is purchased from a farm with no
previous record of diseases. All newly-procured broodstocks are treated with
appropriate medication before being introduced into the broodstock ponds.
Broodfish collected from the wild are stocked at a rate of 2-3 fish/m2 in
prepared broodstock ponds. Proper health of the broodfish is assured by
adequate feeding with nutrient balanced feed for a sufficient time prior to
spawning and maintaining the pond water at a satisfactory level. Depending on
the size of the broodstock pond and preference of the farmer, males and females
are placed in separate ponds. Some breeders keep both sexes together in the
same pond until shortly before use. This might be due to space contrataints or
inadequate facilities.