There are various types of catfish
feeds. The type being used at any
particular time is a function of size of fish being fed, whether the fish are feeding at the surface or in the water column, and if an antibiotic is incorporated. Catfish fry in hatcheries are fed finely ground meal- or flour-type feeds containing 45-50 percent protein. Fines or crumbles from 28 or 32 percent protein feeds for food fish growout are suitable for fry stocked in nursery ponds until
they reach 1-2 inches in length.
Larger fingerlings should be fed
small floating pellets (1/8 inch
diameter) containing 35 percent
protein. Advanced fingerlings (5-6 inches) and food fish are generally fed a floating feed of approximately 5/32 - 3/16 inch in
diameter containing 28-32 percent protein. Some producers switch to a slow-sinking feed during the winter. Antibiotics are administered to catfish through incorporation in feeds. Depending on the particular antibiotic chosen, the feed may either be floating or sinking. Feeding Despite considerable research,
feeding catfish is far from an exact
science. It is a highly subjective
process that differs among catfish
farmers. The variation in feeding practices is a product of numerous factors such as cropping system, fish size, ability to manage water quality, experience of feeding labor, and difficulty in estimating fish inventory. In general, fish should be fed as much feed as they will consume without adversely affecting water quality. However, depending on water quality
variables and the health of the fish, it may be advisable to restrict the daily feed allowance or to feed less often. Long-term feed allowance should not exceed 100-125 ponds per acre per day. Most catfish producers feed once a
day, 7 days a week during the
warmer months. Although feeding twice a day may slightly improve growth of fingerlings, the logistics of multiple feedings on large catfish farms make it impractical. Feed is typically blown onto the surface of the water using mechanical feeders. Feeds should be scattered over as wide an area as possible to provide equal feeding opportunities for as many fish as possible. Feeding with prevailing winds allows the feed to float across the pond and minimizes the amount of feed washing ashore. Overfeeding should be avoided since wasted feed increases production costs.

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- Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.